I wanted to see if we can get all the Endpoints with HttpMethods for a Swagger Spec from the swagger.json.
Swagger Parser provides a way of reading a swagger.json file into Java POJOs.
You need to include the depenceny in your pom.xml as follows
And then you can parse the file using:
String swaggerAsString = ClasspathHelper.loadFileFromClasspath("petstore-swagger.json"); //where petstore-swagger.json is in your class path
Swagger swagger = new SwaggerParser().parse(swaggerAsString);
To get all endpoints:
Map<String, Path> paths = swagger.getPaths();
Set<String> endpoints = paths.keySet();
and the a available HttpMethods on these endpoints:
Map<HttpMethod, Operation> operationMap = path.getOperationMap();
Set<HttpMethod> operationsKeySet = operationMap.keySet();
Code can be found on GIT