Swagger Codegen can be used to generate stubs/model classes in ‘popular languages, like Java, Scala, and Ruby’. As such we can use it to generate the basis for calling other APIs in a polygot environment.
swagger-codegen-maven-plugin is a
A maven build plugin which allows the codegen project to be triggered for generating clients, etc. during the build process. for a Java project.
To generate the code from the swagger.json files it is as simple as including the swagger.json file for the API you want to consume into your project under
Adding the swagger-codegen-maven-plugin to your build->plugins
section (default phase is generate-sources phase) with matching configuration parameters for your project. The documentation for this plugin is at:
However to then ensure that this code compiles, there are a couple of other dependencies you need to add to your pom.xml file. These include:
- swagger-annotations
- org.threeten
- com.google.code.gson
An example of the pom.xml is:
<!-- Dependencies to enable compiling of the code generated from swagger.json - Petstore API-->
Source code for this is example is at: https://github.com/melissapalmer/swagger-codegen-java-models
- https://swagger.io/tools/swagger-codegen/
- https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen/tree/master/modules/swagger-codegen-maven-plugin